La Nina – How to Protect Your South Coast Home

You have probably heard about La Nina, but let’s be clear about what it is.

It’s a natural climate phenomena when sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean are lower than usual. Australia frequently experiences above-average rainfall during La Nina events, especially in the eastern states. 

In some places, this might cause floods, which can harm residential properties. 

Therefore, homeowners should be ready for the effects of La Nina and take precautions to preserve their assets, including making sure their homes are well-maintained and that they have sufficient insurance coverage.

How do you protect your home?

There are many ways to protect your South Coast home but, here are 3 crucial strategies that you can deploy immediately.

  1. Clean the gutters and inspect the roof for leaks – these are two important steps of routine home care
  2. Regularly maintain the heating and hot water systems can assist in preventing minor issues from growing and becoming more difficult and expensive to address, especially when exacerbated by adverse weather events
  3. Updating and renovating may be necessary as your home ages. This can include making improvements to the heating and cooling systems, replacing your roof, adding insulation in the roof space, or changing outdated windows for more energy-efficient ones.

Additionally, depending on where in the Shoalhaven your home is, it may be susceptible to flooding. Your home can be protected from damage and kept secure by taking protective measures, such as improving drainage systems or constructing flood barriers.

How else can I be prepared?

This is a really useful starting point. You can complete the SES Home Emergency Plan to help understand the risks associated with La Nina and the steps you can take to dramatically reduce the risks for you, your family and your home.

Additionally, our team of roofing and plumbing professionals are always available to help assess your property, inspect your gutters roofs, hot water services and give advice.

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